Thursday, November 19, 2015

Freedom - Justice - Security College Football

Freedom - Justice - Security    College Football

Within the European Union's Freedom of Goods, People and Services,
for instance by advocates or architects, of different nationalities are ofcourse
allowed to establish themselves, rendering their advocacy / architecture
services,in other Member State countries.  No problem !  Well at least in
theory and as long as in compliance with the respective legislations, which
includes local customs.

So as long as the foreigners are duly inscribed in the local respective colleges
and align with the customs of local professionals, which, by the way, aren't
always as clear, indifferent and obvious as one may visualize them at first

The succes of College football at national and international level, relies on
the coherence of the team players, and they're joint loyalty to the team in
order to fulfill the previously set out schemes to tackle the members of the
other College football team, and thus win the game.

In the end it's all about winning the game by tackling the other. Therefore in
american College football teams, each round, the players put their heads
together, strongly embracing eachother, in order to, descretely, align the
scheme to beapplied to tackle to other. And ofcourse trusting the team
mates, and full distrusts of what ever may come from the other team.

So how can local professional colleges rely on being able to trust professionals
integrated in their team ? Or is this virtually impossible ? And if so, what to do?
Organize a subculture within the College football team, lead and composed by
known loyal team members to which all professionals are to adhere, including
the foreigner, in order to control their every move?

Or might it be a more succesful strategy to simply allow the foreigners to adhere
to the College football team, but to see to it that they remain on the reserve bench
during the important national games.  But surely during the international matches,
especially in those envolving those games against College footbal teams from the
same nationality as that of the foreigner? I would quess so.

And then ofcourse there is the question of the unbiast Jury, who are to point out
very possible violation of the rules of the game, by each and all College Football
team members. The Jury Members ofcourse belong to no subculture and have no
nationality.  Nice going !

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